Massage Therapy
There's no denying the power of bodywork. Whether we consider it as pampering, rejuvenating, or therapeutic, and regardless of the reasons we seek it out, such as pain management, stress relief, or luxury retreat, massage therapy is a powerful compliment to your healthcare regimen. Experts agree that stress is the #1 cause of poor health, chronic pain, and disability. Studies have shown that upwards of 90% of disease is stress related.
A routine of regularly scheduled massage will play a huge part in how healthy and youthful you will remain with each passing year. Budgeting the time and money for massage and bodywork is truly an investment in your health.
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Acupressure is an ancient form of healing believed by some to be even older than acupuncture. It involves the use of the fingers (and in some cases, the toes) to press key points on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body's natural ability to heal itself. Pressing on these points relieves muscle tension, which promotes the circulation of blood and qi (pronounced "chee") -- the vital energy or "life force" -- to aid in the healing process. Stimulating specific points on the body can trigger the release of endorphins (chemicals produced by the body that relieve pain). When endorphins are released, pain is blocked, and the flow of blood and oxygen to the affected area is increased. This causes the muscles to relax and promotes healing. In acupressure, as with most traditional Chinese medicine concepts, local symptoms are considered an expression of the whole body's condition.
When performed correctly, acupressure increases circulation, reduces tension, and enables the body to relax. Reducing tension, in turn, strengthens the immune system and promotes wellness.

CranioSacral Bodywork
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, touch-therapy approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain, dysfunction and to improve whole-body health. It was pioneered and developed by Osteopathic Physician, John E. Upledger, after years of clinical testing and research at Michigan State University where he served as professor of biomechanics. Restrictions, or stress related tension, found within the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system can create a barrier to the healthy performance of the central nervous system, and potentially every other system it interacts with. Using a soft touch, the practitioner releases these restrictions and tensions. CranioSacral Bodywork is able to alleviate a wide variety of dysfunctions, from chronic pain and sports injuries to stroke and neurological impairment. Craniosacral bodywork is also a gentle, non-invasive therapy for babies, young children, and teens to aid with sleeping difficulties, colic, feeding problems, problems in development, learning and behavioural difficulties, anger management, anxiety, and depression.

Chinese Fire Cupping
Fire Cupping is the art of using varying degrees of heat and suction to aid in healing. The cup is drained of air and applied to specific areas of the body causing the skin to tumefy, or swell. The object is to first draw the blood through the capillaries, and then allow it to quickly return by the veins; thus irrigating the tissues. Hippocrates was a great advocate of cupping and the earliest writings of cupping were discovered in the tomb of the Han Dynasty. It has been used in Egypt and Africa and was considered a remedy for almost every type of disease as well as an important means of preserving health. Cupping is incorporated into your massage session at no additional charge.

Deep Tissue
Deep-tissue massage utilizes slow strokes, direct pressure or friction applied across the grain of the muscles with the fingers, thumbs or elbows. Deep-tissue massage works deeply into the muscles and connective tissue to release chronic aches and pains; its purpose is to reach the fascia beneath the surface muscles. This technique is useful in treating chronic pain, inflammation and injury.

Gua Sha
Pronounced Gwa Saw or Gwa Sha, Gua Sha is a technique that has been used in Asia for centuries for healing. Gua means to rub, scrape, or friction at the surface. Sha is the Blood stagnation in the surface membrane and also the pebbly, rash-like appearance of blood that surfaces after treatment. This technique nourishes the muscles and irrigates the tissues, taking out the normal bi-products of cell respiration that have become stagnant. Gua Sha is incorporated into your massage session at no additional charge.

Hot Stone Therapy
Hot Stone Massage is a specialty massage that uses smooth, water-treated and heated stones that are incorporated into classic massage to promote relaxation. They are often basalt, a black volcanic rock that absorbs and retains heat that is both deeply relaxing and helps to release tight muscles. Muscles are pretreated with the heated stones allowing manipulation of a greater intensity than with massage alone.

Infratonic Therapy
The Infratonic was developed out of scientific research in Beijing China, which studied QiGong healers and found that the most powerful healers were able to emit a strong, low frequency sound signal from their hands. Testing in hospitals and research laboratories found that low frequency sound was indeed effective at increasing vitality, accelerating healing, and strengthening immune function.
The Infratonic 9000 uses randomized low-frequency acoustical signals to accelerate recovery by increasing circulation, promoting lymphatic flow, and loosening muscles to increase range of motion. Its infrasonic sound penetrates deeply into the local area of pain or injury, breaking up vibrational disease patterns and increasing activity of the nervous system. Infratonic sound activates local tissue, moving old fluids out of painful areas and drawing in fresh, oxygenated fluids to enhance the healing process, reduce swelling, and relax armored muscles.

LaStone Therapy
LaStone Therapy is a trademarked style of massage that uses both hot and frozen stones to massage the body. While cold stones may not sound appealing, they feel refreshing on your warmed skin and have a beneficial effect.
The physiological benefits of alternating hot and cold to the body have long been scientifically and medically proven. The heated stones bring oxygenated blood to the area of application, increasing lymph flow and metabolism. The cold stones push away unwanted congestion, inflammation, and blockages. In this way, the use of alternating temperatures brings about healing, balance, and rejuvenation. It also aids in the balancing of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energies. The use of heated and cooled stones also allows the therapist to penetrate and work the tissues at a deeper level than is possible in other traditional massage therapies that only utilize the hands.
LaStone Therapy is similar to, but not exactly the same as, hot stone massage. LaStone can only be performed by someone who is certified to be a LaStone therapist.

Lymphatic Drainage
Developed by French physician Bruno Chikly, this technique involves the application of light, rhythmic strokes to help alleviate various conditions related to the body's lymph system. Among other things, the lymph system is responsible for flushing out toxins and draining fluid, which supports a healthy immune system. When lymph circulation stagnates, however, fluid can build up and cause physical problems, such as inflammation, edemas and neuropathies.
LDT enables practitioners to restore proper lymph flow by using a "mapping" system to assess congested areas in the body, and then applying gentle pressure using the fingers and hands on these areas to reactivate proper circulation.

Lypossage cleanses the body of stagnant, stalled lymphatic fluid that gets trapped in the adipose tissue, resulting in lumps, bulges and dimpling known as figure imbalance. Lypossage targets the problem areas to systematically promote circulation, break-up the adhesions and assist the body's lymph system, resulting in improved muscle tone as well as lifting and firming sagging tissue.

Myofascial Release
This technique is the manipulation of the fascia that connects and surrounds the muscles. Fascia is the soft tissue component of the connective tissue that provides support and protection for most structures within the human body, including muscle. This soft tissue can become restricted due to overuse, trauma, infectious agents, or inactivity, often resulting in pain, muscle tension, and corresponding diminished blood flow. The practitioner applies gentle and sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. By coaxing muscles in spasm to relax, the adverse effects of inflammation, tension & trauma are released, restoring normal alignment and function.

Neuromuscular Therapy
This technique aids in relief from acute & chronic pain syndromes. It is the application of trigger point therapy to eliminate the cause of pain patterns. This balances the musculoskeletal system & the nervous system to enhance the function of joints, muscles & movement.

Pre-Natal Massage
This beautiful and sacred moment in a woman's life is deserving of some extra pampering to ease the unique and inevitable discomforts, enabling you to enjoy your pregnancy for the wondrous experience it is. Pre-natal massage is a gentle and effective way to accomplish this. It helps to reduce swelling and fatigue, soothes the nervous system, and helps to balance emotions. It relieves stress on weight-bearing joints such as ankles, lower back, and pelvis. Our therapists use techniques that are safe and comfortable for expectant mothers.
*All expectant mothers should check with their doctors prior to getting a massage. If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, or are in the early stages of pregnancy, pre-natal massage may not be recommended. It is important to share information about your condition and your preferences with your massage therapist when you arrive for your appointment. The massage therapist will adjust your prenatal massage to make it as soothing and as useful as possible based on your personal needs and preferences.

Sports Therapy
Used before, during, or after athletic events to promote flexibility, reduce muscle tension and swelling and help prevent injury. Massage can break down lesions that have been caused by injuries, overexertion and/or overuse, alleviating stress in the tissues and improving circulation. Sports therapy is a combination of light or deep Swedish strokes, cross-fiber friction, stretching, plus a maintenance program if needed, all of which can promote greater athletic endurance and performance.

The most traditional of massage modalities, Swedish uses long, gliding strokes, friction, tapping, and some rocking and is effective for most ailments because it creates a positive effect on all layers and systems of the body. Swedish can be performed with a variety of pressure strokes from light to deep.

Swe-Thai Massage
Swe-Thai Massage is a unique style of massage that combines the ancient eastern knowledge of a highly revered form of medical massage with the western knowledge of specific and advanced soft tissue therapy.
Swe-Thai blends many Thai massage techniques such as forearm rolls, elbow press and open and yoga- style stretches, with proven and highly effective western treatment philosophies. The Swe-Thai Massage Routine addresses general neck and back disorders using biomechanical techniques.

Thai Massage
Practiced in Thailand for over 2,000 years, Thai massage-also known as yoga massage, Thai yoga massage and ancient massage-works to clear energy blockages and restore balance and harmony to the body. The practice combines typical Westernized massage therapy techniques, including myofascial release and trigger point therapy, with light stretching similar to that of yoga. It has even earned the name "lazy man's yoga." Like yoga, Thai massage helps to strengthen the body and increase flexibility, while allowing the client to benefit from the relaxation and healing properties of massage.

Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger points are areas of soft tissue in the body characterized by local pain, tightness, and tenderness. Often trigger points develop because of referred pain, or pain from another source that has manifested itself in a trigger point. Trigger points sometimes refer pain to other areas. Trigger-point therapy seeks first to identify trigger points, then to apply steady, appropriate pressure to the point to "release" it. This is usually followed by massage to the surrounding area to help treat the cause of the trigger point. Clients are encouraged to drink a lot of water following a trigger-point therapy session to flush out any toxins released when the trigger point is released.

Tui Na
Tui Na is a form of Asian bodywork using rhythmic compression along energy channels of the body, as well as a variety of techniques that manipulate and lubricate the joints. Like acupressure, Tui Na directly affects the flow of energy by holding and pressing the body at acupressure points. The intent of Tui Na is to focus on specific problems, especially chronic pain associated with the muscles, joints, and skeletal system. It's especially effective for joint pain (such as arthritis), sciatica, muscle spasms, and pain in the back, neck, and shoulders. It also helps chronic conditions such as insomnia, constipation, headaches (including migraines), and the tension associated with stress.
Tui Na does not simply work on the muscles, bones, and joints. It works with the energy of the body at a deeper level. As the practitioner senses the client's body with her hands, she is able to assess the distribution of energy and affect its flow.

Watsu-Watsu is a gentle form of body therapy performed in warm water pools (around 35 °C or 95 °F). It combines elements of massage, joint mobilization, shiatsu, and muscle stretching in order to reduce stress and relieve chronic pain caused by a variety of conditions. The receiver of a Watsu treatment is supported by the practitioner, creating a sensation of floating. In this gravity-free environment, the practitioner is able to move, stretch and manipulate the body in ways that are not possible on land. The experience is deeply peaceful and amazingly serene. Watsu is being incorporated into aquatic therapy treatment programs in hospitals, clinics and rehabilitation centers around the world because of its effectiveness in decreasing pain caused by brain and spinal cord injury, arthritis, fibromyalgia, Parkinson's Disease, strokes, post surgery, and much more. Adam has been practicing Watsu since 1993.